Thursday, March 27, 2008

coffee and pin cushions

busy bee, working towards the culmination of my undergraduate education...

what you see is convoluted foam mattress covers cut up, pinned together, forming this urbaNomad pack that i've been working on... for a year.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

a glimpse for a portolio

from the last post, the things i was supposed to do [bold means completed]: "finish portfolio. update resume. upload resume to monster. write cover letters. buy printer. print resume + letters. send resume + letters. print portfolio. bind portfolio. visit a friend for a day. go to new york with allison for a day. work a day for boss. cast my back in plaster in 4 positions. do laundry. clean apartment. send packages. design thesis. fix thesis colors. update thesis paper. send thesis paper to professor."

the casting is going to happen today and tomorrow, and the sending of the resume things... well i just don't know what to do about that, considering that I haven't written the cover letters. errrrrr. well, it should happen sometime this week.

got out of town for a little over a day during this week... it was nice to see trees, blue skies, sun, and play with furry things, running around in this thing called a yard. i'm back now, however, and even if i miss grass and yards and the glimpse of how life could be when i'm out of school, i do have a portfolio to show for it.

AND i now have an online portfolio.

Monday, March 10, 2008

a very happy un-spring break / spring un-break to you

i've been on spring a total of 3 days so far... saturday, sunday, and monday. saturday i was at studio for 9 hours, monday for 9.5 hours, and monday for 6 hours. however, if you count the amount of time i was actually working on things, you can add roughly 2 hours to saturday and sunday and 4.5 hours to monday/tuesday. sigh. i don't call this a break.

and what have i been doing all this time might you wonder? portfolio. apparently i'll be needing that to land myself a decent paying job so that i can begin paying off those pesky school loans that i was so excited to get.

plans for the rest of this week? finish portfolio. update resume. upload resume to monster. write cover letters. buy printer. print resume + letters. send resume + letters. print portfolio. bind portfolio. visit a friend for a day. go to new york with allison for a day. work a day for boss. cast my back in plaster in 4 positions. do laundry. clean apartment. send packages. design thesis. fix thesis colors. update thesis paper. send thesis paper to professor.

is that all? maybe.

in the meantime... the latest tickle who may or may not be done. either way, he already found his way into my portfolio. maybe he'll get a make-over at a later date.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

little piggies sleeping the day away

it really is just one of those days. one where you can't manage to stay out of bed long enough to get your feet to take you out the door and where ever you need to be. except that if you don't need to be anywhere at all, this task is even more difficult.

and so my day began, out of bed at 9, in the shower by 9:15 and back in bed watching Superbad on my laptop by 11, eating the remains of a steak borrito left over from last night. then, having nothing better to do, i fell asleep around 1 or 2pm and woke up at 6:15.

the laziness of today is solid proof that a jury must have occurred this week, and it did. yesterday. good show, i should say. alas, my advisors don't know what date it is, how many weeks we have left, or where we are going with anything. i think perhaps they are more lost than we are, but it is to be expected. spring break next week and i should be [1] making my portfolio [2] writing cover letters + resume [3] rewriting my thesis document (again) [4] casting my body in 4 positons [5] doing some work for an old professor [6] probably a whole mess of other things.

but for now.... enjoy the show.

Monday, March 3, 2008

a porcupine emerges

before i begin the next stage in a project, i often feel the need to clean, reorganize, rearrange things. this might mean my studio, my life, or my apartment. this time, my apartment got tackled.

and then i cast my back in plaster...

and then i went out of my mind...

i am wearing this lovely fashion statement to my midjury tomorrow, partially the reason why this isn't a real post and simply an image heavy randition of my life for the past week.

this thursday i find out the results of the stewardson competition... and then a night of many many drinks, regardless of the results.

spring break next week. yeah, already. spring freaking break.